Cats, dogs and mayhem

Four-Ton is our dog, Berlioz and Toulouse our cats. They like each other, and that’s a good thing. Raising kids is hard enough. So why have pets? Because they can act as examples to my kids on how to behave. At least, I’d hope so. Other creatures make appearances in our lives, some frightful and others worse.

Cats are known to do what the hell they want, and mine fit that description all too splendidly.

My wife likes to wake up in her own time, and the rest of the family has come to respect that — for our own good. Then a puppy came to live with us.

No matter where we went, our dog found something to eat, even my notebooks. It made me livid. But now that she’s gone, I’m going to miss her.

It takes a lot of patience to train our formerly stray dog, just ask my youngest daughter.

When there’s too much grub on offer, my four-ton dog gets frantic.

Our big dog will gobble down any scraps of food, or even entire cakes. She just has to catch us unaware.